Children’s Author


Fairies Love Oreos!

This magical book was based on a true life experience of my daughter Breana, turned into a fairytale. Within these pages you will learn God’s pure love, the importance of helping others, and lessons like forgiveness. Angels are all around us, even when we least expect to encounter them!

Buy Fairies Love Oreos! here:

Bridget the Queen Bumblebee

This beautiful book was based on a true life experience about my daughter Bridget, turned into a fairytale. Bridget the Queen Bumblebee buzzes through flower land for a day of fun. Bridget loves things that sparkle and shine. Join Bridget as she shows her mother the importance of sharing and how to be a blessing to others.

Buy Bridget the Queen Bumblebee here:

Gingerbread Smash!

This magical Christmas book was based on a true story about my sons Bruce & Brice. This beautiful Christmas story is the tale of two mischevious brothers as they learn the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born to save the world for me and you!

Buy Gingerbread Smash! here:

Momma Fox: Always There for Her Seven Little Foxes

This book is about my mother. It is based on true life childhood experiences. The Gannon fox family leads a beautiful life in a cozy place called Fox Hollow. Guided by Momma Fox, the foxes frolic and play, letting their imaginations lead them on adventures, but they always take time to express their gratitude for God for His everlasting love and protection.

Buy Momma Fox: Always There for Her Seven Little Foxes here:

Charles the Anxious Panda

Charles the Anxious Panda is about a little panda who realizes you can’t always conquer worries and anxieties on your own. Along the way he learns that there’s no problem or fear too big to handle if you talk to your parents and trust in God to help and guide.

Buy Charles the Anxious Panda here:

Harleigh the Ballerina

Girls are perfect just the way God made them.

Harleigh is a ballerina, but she’s also a cowgirl, a pirate, an astronaut, and so much more! This book shows girls that they can do anything.

Whether sipping tea or riding a four-wheeler in the mud, you are beautiful and strong, just the way God made you!

Buy Harleigh the Ballerina here:

I am Not a Worm

Follow Easton as he deals with the death of his Nonna.

This book is about dealing with the sadness that comes with losing a loved one.

It is also about the joy of knowing God has prepared our eternal home, where there is no sickness and no sadness, only happiness and joy.

Jesus has prepared an eternal home for each of us, and all of the people we have loved are waiting for us in heaven.

Buy I am Not a Worm here:

Harper the Mermaid

This book is about a magical mermaid who shares God’s unconditional love.

Within these pages you will learn that we are called to love, and God is the only judge.

He loves us all equally regardless of gender, race, politics, or whether we are rich or poor. No matter who we are, we are called simply to love!”

Love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” 

John 13:34

Buy Harper the Mermaid here:

Customers reviews

"Perfect way to teach your children the goodness of God. Fun colorful illustrations!! 💜"
"I like that this book teaches values in a fun way. My granddaughter loved it.❤"
"Awesome book with a great message! I can’t wait for more from this author & illustrator!💜"
"Perfect teaching book. Teach kindness, thankfulness, humility, all in a way that helps keeps kids engaged....who hasn’t begged for something at the store sbdnrheir momma said “No”? This is a perfect lesson for children and adults. A story for everyone to enjoy!!"
"An amazing little find for any child! The vibrant colors in the illustrations are eye catching, and the meaning in the story itself is heartwarming! This is my second book by same author, and the lessons and the stories together make them unforgettable."
"My great granddaughter loves these books!! She carries them around reading them all the time!! She reads based on the pics. Such a perfect story and illustrations❤"
"This book is short & sweet! I love the storyline a feel good book with God all over it 💜 The illustrations phenomenal!"
"Sweet story with gorgeous illustrations! Perfect for the holidays!"

©Vicki Roach 2024